Learn To RELAX Just About Anywhere




Relaxation is a skill. Like any skill you must practice to get better. The more you practice the deeper the relaxation experience becomes. And there is no depth – you don’t ever reach the place where you can’t relax any more. The idea is that you come to my restorative classes to practice being still so that you can take it into your everyday life.


When you’re standing on line or find yourself stuck in traffic check in with yourself and soften the tight muscles. Next, notice your surroundings (what information are the sense taking in?) – the sights, the smells, the sounds, the feelings and observe your breath. Can you start to accept the moment for what it is without trying to change it? Can you accept the moment as if you yourself had chosen it? Change what you can (softening tight muscles) and then accept everything else (allow for the moment to simply be, without trying to control it). Accept all the moment has to offer – especially the imperfections.